New Spotlight Sessions: Trimming Rear Legs, Setting The Head, and Choosing a Slicker Brush

October 20th, 2022 by Ima Admin

Trimming Styling the Rear Legs & Undercarriage on a Pet Welsh Terrier

Colin Taylor shows how to style the rear legs and undercarriage using a variety of tools and techniques.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Grooming the Welsh Terrier

Watch the Spotlight Session

How To Set The Neck, Throat, and Back Skull on an American Cocker with Clippers

Pina demonstrates on an American Cocker Spaniel how to transition and blend the body into the elements of the head.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Extreme Makeover on an American Cocker Spaniel

Watch the Spotlight Session

What Size Slicker Brush Should You Be Using?

Judy Hudson runs through some different scenarios and describes which slicker brush you should be using and why!

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: How to Groom a St. Bernard Doodle in 90 Minutes

Watch the Spotlight Session