New Spotlight Sessions: Thick Doodle Legs, Structure, & Poodle Feet

May 13th, 2022 by Ima Admin

Styling The Rear Feet & Legs of a Thick Coated Doodle

Irina “Pina” Pinkusveich shows off stellar styling techniques for a doodle’s hind legs.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Techniques to Make Thick Coated Doodle Grooming Easier & Satisfying

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Importance of Grooming to Structure & How It Sets You Apart

Judy Hudson demonstrates a key technique for grooming efficiency – grooming to structure!

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: How to Groom a St. Bernard Doodle in 90 Minutes

Watch the Spotlight Session

How to Trim the Front Feet of a Standard Poodle

Check out this Spotlight Session for Suesan Watson’s tips on trimming poodle feet!

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Back to Basics with a Standard Poodle in an All Trim

Watch the Spotlight Session