New Spotlight Sessions: Rounded Feet, Balanced Legs, and Practical Heads

February 15th, 2023 by Ima Admin

Trimming Full Round Foot

Lindsey Dicken shows you how she uses thinning shears to create a rounded foot on a drop-coated dog.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Thinning Shear Personality Trim on a Yorkie Mix

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Achieve A Balanced Haircut & Setting The Focal Point

Suesan Watson walks you through grooming the legs, thinking strategically about what hair to trim away to make the legs look longer.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Easy Shih Tzu / Bichon “Designer” Pet Trim

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How to Style the Head on a Practical Asian Fusion Haircut

Megan VandenBerg shows you how to keep the face of this groom nice and tight, paying attention to the eyes to maintain visibility while keeping the rounded muzzle.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Creating a Practical Asian Fusion Trim

Watch the Spotlight Session