New Spotlight Sessions: Reverse Guard Comb, Cute Ears, and Thinning Shear Faces

August 25th, 2022 by Ima Admin

Guard Comb In Reverse

Judy Hudson explains when and how you should use a guard comb in reverse while grooming a dog.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Reverse Blade Drop Coated Mix

Watch the Spotlight Session

Taking Length Off The Ears For Cute Little Ears

In this spotlight session, Suesan Watson shows how to use a guard comb to remove all the hair from a dog’s ear, with finger techniques that protect the “leather” of the ear.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Easy Shih Tzu / Bichon “Designer” Pet Trim

Watch the Spotlight Session

Frame The Eyes on a Round Head Style

In this spotlight session, Lindsey Dicken shows you how to trim a Yorkie face to absolute (symmetrical) perfection using thinning shears.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Thinning Shear Personality Trim on a Yorkie Mix

Watch the Spotlight Session