New Spotlight Sessions: Hand-Scissoring Bracelets, Dematting Heads, and Trimming Muzzles

December 14th, 2022 by Ima Admin

Scissoring the Bracelets with a Modified Pet Poodle Continental Trim

Misty Fowler demonstrates her process and technique for shaping the bracelets on a poodle using a guard comb and scissoring.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Modified Pet Poodle Continental Trim Using a Guard Comb

Watch the Spotlight Session

How and Why to Protect the Eyes When Brushing and Dematting the Head

Jennifer Hecker explains and shows you how to keep a dog and your hands safe while dematting parts of the head, including the beard and the face.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Safe and Gentle Dematting Techniques on a Miniature Schnauzer

Watch the Spotlight Session

Trimming the Muzzle Area Quickly and Safely on a Matted Dog

Amy Triezenberg teaches you how she approaches trimming the beard of a dog to maximize efficiency while simultaneously being aware of mats and keeping the dog comfortable.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: How to Give an Attractive Haircut to a Matted Pet Without Losing Time

Watch the Spotlight Session