New Spotlight Sessions: Bathing & Drying, Pads & Nails, and Body Clipper Work

March 15th, 2023 by Ima Admin

Many Steps of Achieving a High Quality Finish Prior to the Haircut

Misty Fowler walks you through the process of thoroughly bathing and drying a dog before grooming and how important it is, especially on a curly coat like a poodle’s.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: How to Get the Perfect Fluff Dry on a Curly Coated Dog

Watch the Spotlight Session

Trimming the Pads & Nails on a Cavalier Spaniel

Jennifer Hecker shows you how to trim away hair from the bottom of the feet to reveal the pads. This also gives her a better view while she trims the nails, explaining her process for doing this safely as she works.

Watch the Spotlight Session

Body Clipper Work on a Pet Welsh Terrier

Colin Taylor demonstrates how he does clipper work on a Welsh Terrier strategically, maintaining the color of the coat while fast-tracking his scissor work later in the groom.

This Spotlight Session is from the full video: Grooming The Welsh Terrier

Watch the Spotlight Session